Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 1 of My First Blog

This is the first time I have had any experience with blogging. I set this up for my Digital Photog class and am excited about learning to use my camera, a Fuji Finepix S1000fd, and Photoshop. I took some pics over the weekend of a Jeeping trip I went on and got some nice shots. Tomorrow I will be on the road for about three hours and plan to bring my camera along in hopes of catching a few good shots.


  1. Amanda,
    Your blog is wonderful, I love the way you set it up and your photos are beautiful. I hope to learn from all of you.

  2. Thank you Tonya. I actually had fun setting up the blog. I wasn't sure what to think when I found out we had to set one up. I set up my account and thought 'hmmm . . . Now what do I do with it?' haha :)
