Saturday, October 9, 2010

Digital Photography Assignment Composition

My daughter has been hauling out her room and made the decision that this doll could go. I wasn’t sure if I would like any of the photos with her, but with a little editing I decided it worked. The photos are a little creepy (great for the upcoming holiday) and a little sad.
The centered one is not as interesting. It takes away from the air of being abandoned or forgotten. To me because it is center, it feels too thought out, too controlled. The off center photo adds to the feeling of being abandoned or forgotten. Because it is slightly off it gives it a feel of carelessness or like it was an afterthought.
I have to say that I had to stop thinking about the rule of thirds in order to get the rule of thirds shot. When I thought it out and planned it for hitting one of those lines, to me it looked too methodical in the shot too. But then again I was probably just over thinking it :)


  1. The bottom shot is really great. The rule of thirds proved to be pretty effective with this subject matter, but I think even the lighting in the bottom picture makes it pop even more. The eye is instantly drawn to the haunting face and the shadows create a lot of depth. Nice job.

  2. I agree with the comment above on the lighting in the second photo. The slightly darker shadows around the cheeks and eye lend a slightly darker character to the composition.

  3. great imagination...but kinda spooky; great for the time of year.

  4. I agree that the second photograph makes the doll look more lost and forgotten, also I noticed that the second photo seems to be a little more zoomed and the way that the light is shining on her face gives her a under shadow that makes her more mysterious. Another though, I am wondering how the first photo would look if it was turned upright??

  5. I tried it upright and really didn't like it. One reason was it looked a little corpse like (I like creepy but wasn't quite going for morbid :)) Another reason was it looked really 'off'. This could have been because it looked like it should have been standing up but there was nothing under the feet. To me it looked very off balance when it was upright.

  6. I like the second photo also. The first looks like it was staged. As you mention the second photo looks like the doll was throw out and forgotten.

  7. I love these. The photo representing the rule of thirds makes the doll look a bit larger as opposed to the one that's centered.

  8. Thanks again everyone for the comments. I really look forward to your feedback :)
