Friday, October 22, 2010

Digital Photography Week 7 Assignment - Cropping, Selecting, Moving

I did lots of things to the layer of my daughter's face in order to get it close to where I wanted it. After unlocking layers and using the lasso selection tool, I 'played' with it in transform and image - adjustments. I also selected and copied some of the inner flower pieces so that I could overlap them on the face to make it more believable.

I used the lasso selection tool again to select the pumpkin vines. I used transform, image - adjustment, and the eraser tool.

The lasso selection tool was once again used to select my daughter's face. And once again it was time to play with the different tools; transform, layer style, image - adjustment.
There were definitely times that I got a little frustrated because a layer that I was working on would all of the sudden disappear or my finger would go too far over on my laptop and the lasso tool would scroll down tot the bottom of the page and I would have to go through and delete all the little markers that I didn't want. However, beyond the frustration is the excitement of finally starting to learn how to use my editing program.


  1. I reaalllly like the skull picture. Nicely done! You did a great job making two very different photos united with one mood and one central style.

  2. Those are terrific photos...You are very talented.

  3. WOWOWOWOWOW!!!! These are spectacular. I am so jealous of your talent. Very very cool.

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  5. Your photos are very organized, and well done. I love the layout. I love how you were able to manipulate the photo from child and flower, then put them together. That is really nice.

  6. Amanda, your photos are wonderful! I am very jealous... I could only crop my picture... and it was not pretty. Great Job!

  7. Great demonstration of the power of photo editing.

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  9. Thanks everyone! I am very greatfull for all of your comments :)
